Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is This Apartment Community Right For You 4 Factors to Consider

Is This Apartment Community Right For You 4 Factors to Consider 1. Neighboring surroundings:  Take a look around the place first. See what is in the proximity. Say you like to go out to eat a lot, try to pick some place that has a lot of food options. If you have a child and want a good school to send them to, keep that in mind. Also, while you are doing your hunting, pay attention to the neighbors you see as you are walking through the complex. Sometimes places can unfortunately be defined by the people that live there. And this reigns true about apartment complexes, most of the time. 2. Security: You want to feel safe where you live and without the right kind of security you might not feel that way. Make sure to ask about this when you are being shown around by a leasing agent. Your safety needs do not need to be looked over or disregarded. If high security is something that will make it feel right to you, then make sure you look for that when you are apartment hunting. Sometimes a neighborhood watch just doesn’t cut it for people. 3. Management/maintenance: You are going to want to make sure the people that will be fixing your needs in the apartment are up to par or at least to your standards. Do they fix things in a timely manner? Are they polite and accommodating? Do they let you know when they are stopping by to look over things? Do they let you know things about the complex ahead of time? This is when reviews on the internet may come into handy. No leasing agent is going to tell you that they have an issue with maintenance, but reviewers online will tell you straight up. 4. Too many compromises: Sometimes you have to forgo what you want a little to find a space that feels good to you. You may have to give up that breakfast nook for an extra storage space. But sometimes you tend to give up things you don’t have to. Make sure that what you are picking is at least 80-90 percent what you want in the apartment. You want to feel comfortable and not like you gave up everything you had in mind. With that type of mindset you won’t be happy whatsoever and living like that for six months to a year will be utterly miserable. Apartments put freedom and stress in the same sentence, but finding the best one for you can take a bit of the stress off your shoulders. Keep what you want in mind, but also remember to keep an open mind, because sometimes you will find something you didn’t even know you wanted. Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

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